script thing!

Overclocked Lauren Ordier Battle Script
[The CLO is outside the Executive Lawfice, waiting for the Toontown Rebellion.]
Chief Legal Officer:Finally, you're all here. Great timing,Rebels.
My Litigation Team, an unknown benefactor and myself have constructed a new plan which will hopefully take down the TCLO for good, if we are allowed to have your assistance.
[The Rebels happily agree to take part.]
Chief Legal Officer:
That's good to hear, [Toon Name.]
And speaking of good news...
[A tin-can phone rings and the voice of the mysterious helper is heard, clearly a Boss Cog of some kind.]
For legal reasons,I don't think I'm allowed to reveal my name or my former employers,
but rest assured I am very experienced in the field of battles such as these. Chief Legal Officer:
I hope so, for both my sake and yours...
First of all, we need to get these anti-trespassing lights off.
You Rebels are aware of these sorts of security systems from their use in my Lawfices,correct?
To avoid them, you'll need to be quick on the draw-
[one of the Toons sets off a security light.]
Chief Legal Officer:
*sigh*,Really? Right as I was about to explain?
????: Don't lose your servos over it,Diane!
With my skills,I'll disable that security system in no time!
[After the Virtual Toon round...] Chief Legal Officer:
That's one problem down, but there's still many more left to deal with.
Ms. Ordier most certainly knows we're here now, so we'll have to tackle this head-on!
Let's go, Rebels.
Ah-hah! So there you are, TCLO!
None of us are afraid of you, especially not me!
Lauren Ordier:
Diane, you ramshackle chunk of legacy hardware...
That security system took ages to reverse engineer from yours,
and it's going to cost hours of labour and jellybeans to fix it!
I am not going to even try to ask Mata Hairy for a loan on it.
[The camera pans to the Litigation Toons at the Lawfice Table:
Doe Vinci,Webster,Reid Stock and Tumbles.] Lauren Ordier:
Are you Toons going to just sit there... Or are you going to DO YOUR JOBS!
Don't you mean...
[The Litigation Team fly down into the Executive Lawfice.]
Litigation Team:
Our jobs?
Lauren Ordier:
Scapegoat:Guilty as charged!
Lauren Ordier:
Well, you'll sure as heck be charged, because we've come prepared!
[Lauren Ordier presses a button and sends the CLO through a trap door.]
Chief Legal Officer:
Where are you even getting all these Trap Doors?!
Just because I can't physically be on the field,
doesn't mean I can't help the Rebels, Ms. Ordier!
Lauren Ordier:
Like you and your half-baked prosecutors will ever get the chance!
{this dialogue is dependent on pairs like the original fight.}
Doe Vinci:
Not a problem in sight, Ms. Ordier.
Me and Webster can deal with these Rebels in a snap.
Every pie will be penalized, Every hose will be halted, and every giggle will be gone!
Just as all Toons should be.
Hey, that's my line!
Well, do you think you deserve such a great line? I don't think you do-

Shut your face, you obnoxious blue duck!
Doe Vinci:
Says you!

Dude! What are you un-radical bozos doing here?
It's like they always said back at C.O.G.S:
You can take the Toon off the beach,
but you can't take the beach bum out of the Toon!
I'm not a beach bum anymore, Kilo!
Well said, Tumbles.
We Legal Toons are far superior to those who decided to betray the Toon Resistance Inc.! Scapegoat:
Ya think so?
Well,I've seen those so-called “traitors” do more hard work than you four ever will
That's a lie! Those rebels are nothing but lazy little lolly-gaggers, bro!
Reid Stock:
It seems this is going to be a trivial encounter.
Don't get your hopes up,Reid.
These Rebels are far stronger than the usual rank and file.
You're darn right we are!
Case Manager:
Reid Stock:
Should I try and defuse the situation?
Doe Vinci:
Nah. These Lawbots are so tattered and out-of-date
that there's no point wasting words on them.
Case Manager:
There's no point trying to goad them further,Barry.
Besides, the Rebels should take care of them easily if they've made it this far.
Reid Stock:
Hmm. Rebels. Seems easy enough.
It's not just rebels, home-slice!
It's those bogus Lawbots breaking our waves,too!
Reid Stock: Oh.
Hey, Barry.
Case Manager:
Reid Stock:
Why should I waste my anger on such a simple situation?
Why shouldn't you?! It always works for me!
Tumbles:Doe! Why are you glaring at me like that, bro?
Doe Vinci:Tumbles...Aren't you the one who installed that system?!
Tumbles:Oh... Of course!
I'll make it up to you, I swear!
[After the Litigation Toon Round...]
Lauren Ordier:
How pathetic.
My finest Toons, wiped by a bunch of upstarts.
At least I have a contingency plan prepared for this exact situation.
Chief Legal Officer: But you can't prepare for everything, can you?
I have prepared myself for any and all shenanigans outside of the standard battle format, Diane!
[The unknown helper barges in, revealing themselves as none other than John Robolts, the Chief Justice!]
Chief Justice:
But have you prepared for this? [The CJ slams the table, sending papers flying everywhere] Lauren Ordier:
TOONS! Keep that evidence OUT of the hands of the Rebels!
[The CLO explains how to collect Sound Evidence]
[After the Cannon Round...]
Lauren Ordier:
Chief Legal Officer:
You're the Toon here! Isn't that supposed to be your job?
Lauren Ordier:
It is NOT!
Not anymore.
Silliness in Toontown is a thing of the past.
And time won't heal any of these wounds.
Not yours, not mine.
But won't time at least give you some understanding?
Lauren Ordier:
I don't need understanding when I want revenge, do I?!
Chief Justice:
Rebels,listen to me quickly!
[The CJ explains how to stun and push Lauren Ordier]
Chief Justice:
Now go show this Kangaroo Court-master what we're made of!
[After the Final Round...]
Lauren Ordier:
It seems you Rebels are far stronger than I first believed.
But do you think that we're through?
That you've truly defeated me?
Don't make me laugh.
I'm keeping Ms. Morsecode hostage unless you surrender,
and I'm the only one who can free her with the press of a button!
[The CJ finds the button on the floor]
Chief Justice:
A button like this one?
Lauren Ordier:
[Lauren Ordier is thrown through the ceiling as the CLO escapes the trap door.]
Lauren Ordier:
Congratulations! I knew you all could do it!
Justice has finally been served to all of Cog Nation.
On an unrelated note,
I found these tattered old Cease And Desists in a box of confiscated Suit attacks.
They were once used to prevent enemies from attacking for a nigh-indefinite period of time.
Chief Justice:
Feel free to use them in the...
Like, three fights in which they are actually useful.
Chief Legal Officer:
Which are this fight, Lord Lowden Clear and Moe Zart,by the way.
And also, here's some Unites!
I wish you luck in all your future endeavours,[Toon Name].