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Cool Midnight


This is a fan-made Manager Fight, it is not real. I have no affilation with Clash's devteam, i just want to try my hand at writing a fake boss fight.

Cool Midnight

example image

Toon Overview

Department: N/A (Lawbot in Cog Gallery)
Position: N/A
HP: 1900
Defense: 30
Level: 20.mgr


Real Name: Cool Midnight
Honorifics: Mrs/Mx.
Likes: Brewing Potions,Street Battles, Her Husband
Dislikes: Cog Sympathisers,Silliness,Showing Mercy

Cool Midnight is a Non-Cog Manager Boss who was introduced in the Bride and Doom update after making her debut in a Blog Post the month prior. She can be fought on the tower above the Dungeon in Ye Olde Toontowne alongside a stronger form of the Witch Hunter after unlocking the Sidetask Silly Elison, which can be accessed after the completion of the Kudos task Looming Lawbot.

Table of Contents
  1. Content Sync
  2. Attacks
  3. Cheats
  4. Dialogue
  5. Trivia
  6. Gallery

Content Sync

Toons fighting against Cool Midnight will be subject to Content Sync, and synced down to the following stats:
85 Laff soft cap (91 max).
Up to Level 7 Gags permitted.
Pink Slips restricted.


Cool Midnight Attacks
Evil Eye Play Hardball Power Trip Fountain Pen
19 25 18 20
90 85 70 75


Cog Capacity

This battle has a soft cap capacity of 4 Cogs, which spawn every two rounds with a level range of 8-13.
This fight has the same increased Lawbot chance and Executive spawn chance as the standard Witch Hunter fight.

Lure Resistance

Cool Midnight can only be lured for one round.

Rage Feeder

Every two rounds, Cool Midnight will fly off of the tower and circle with the Witch Hunter's mob,giving unique buffs to additional Cogs depending on how many cogs are in the mob.
0-8 Cogs:Damage Reduction,Damage Boost.
8-16 Cogs:All previous buffs + Soak Resistance,Focused Defense and Damage Absorption.
16-20 Cogs:All previous buffs + Lure Immunity.

Poison Brew

If a Toon is hit by the Witch Hunter's Trial By Fire Cheat and is either Bewitched or the toon targeted by Hivemind, Cool Midnight will dump a bottle of poison on them.
This douses the flames and prevents the Toon from taking damage at the end of each turn, but deals all of Trial By Fire's damage in burst at the end of the two rounds.
The amount of damage the affected Toon will take can be revealed by hovering over the cheat in the Toon panel. She cannot use this cheat when the Witch Hunter uses Boilerplate.

Choke Pear

Cool Midnight will throw a spike of red-hot iron at a random Toon every 5 rounds, preventing that Toon from using Speedchat+ for 1 round.


Opening Cutscene


Cool Midnight and the Witch Hunter being flung off the tower at the end of the battle by the Public Relations Representative is an homage to Gruntilda's defeat and death at the hands of the Jinjonator in Banjo-Kazooie.

Before her offical debut, she summoned an Executive Advocate Mega-Invasion in an attempt to force the Toon Council into surrendering.

The relationship between Cool Midnight and the Witch Hunter is one of the few romantic relationships to be shown in-game, alongside Atticus Wing and Clancy and the Firestarter and Pacesetter.

Cool Midnight's talking soundbites are pitched down by 2 semitones, making her voice deeper than the average Bat Toon.

Despite not being a Cog, Cool Midnight is shown as a Lawbot in the Cog Gallery and is counted as a Lawbot Manager for Toontasks.
